Moving to the Center of the Bed


Living Alone

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About My Book

Moving to the Center of the Bed: The Artful Creation of a Life Alone is a memoir of a particular time in my life, a time when life forced me to find within myself the means to survive the tragedy of the loss of my husband of 42 years to dementia.

In my sixties, never having lived alone, I had to forge an entirely new life without the love of my life.

Some of the questions I asked myself were not only, what do I do now? But where do I begin when I feel overwhelmed by my life? How do I deal with the anxiety and depression? Do I have enough money to last for the rest of my life? I cannot stay in my home but where do I go?
How do I learn to cook for one and eat alone? How to understand so many long time friends and colleagues walking away just when I need them most? How will I ever find my passion for life again?

Certain I would die of the pain and loneliness, instead I decided to stand up to what life had handed me and fight for my place in it. Depression and despair eventually gave way to a new understanding of my strengths and the possibilities of a new and rewarding life…different to be sure…but good and satisfying.

Recorded in my book is my journey from dependence to being squarely in the center of my own bed, in the center of my own life. But even with all its honesty and emotional truth, I know that readers will find it an uplifting and optimistic book. Because, as with any life, along with the pain and fear came tremendous insight and wonderful, happy, fulfilling times as well.

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